​17. S. Grigolon, A. Economou, A. van Boxtel, C. S. Hill, G. Salbreux, in preparation
16. E. Lardet, R. Voituriez, S. Grigolon*, T. Bertrand*, to be submitted
15. X. Yang, T. Ferraro, K. Molnar, S. R. Malanda, N. Maghelli, L. Royer, J. Pontabry, S. Grill, G. Myers, S. Grigolon, M.
Repeated extraneous tensional inputs and lower surface tension promote polarised adherens junction extension,
under revision​
14. J. M. Garcia-Arcos, J. Ziegler, S. Grigolon, L. Reymond, G. Shajepal, A. Lomakin, C. J Cattin, D. Müller, V. Ruprecht,
S. Wieser, R. Voituriez, M. Piel
Advected percolation in the actomyosin cortex drives amoeboid cell motility
Dev. Cell, 59, 1-18 (2024) DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.06.023 [PDF]
13. S. Grigolon
Morfogenesi: una sfida interdisciplinare (in italian)
Ithaca, 18 (2021) [PDF]
12. L. Montel, I. Golovkova, S. Grigolon, E. Wandersman, A. M. Prevost, T. Bertrand, L.-L. Pontani
Adhesion percolation determines global deformation behavior in biomimetic emulsions,
Frontiers in Physics, 9, 547 (2021) DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2021.744006 [PDF]
11. E. Ferro, C. Enrico Bena, S. Grigolon*, C. Bosia*
micro-RNA mediated noise processing in cells: a fight or a game?
Computational and structural biotechnology journal, 18, 642-649 (2020)
DOI: 10.1016/j.csbj.2020.02.020 [PDF],
*co-last authors
10. E. Ferro, C. Enrico Bena, S. Grigolon*, C. Bosia*
From endogenous to synthetic microRNA-mediated regulatory circuits: An overview
Cells, 8 (12), 1540 (2019) DOI: 10.3390/cells8121540 [PDF], *co-last authors
9. N. Petridou, S. Grigolon, G. Salbreux, E. Hannezo, C.-P. Heisenberg
Fluidization-mediated tissue spreading by mitotic cell rounding and non-canonical Wnt signalling
Nat. Cell Biol., 21 (2), 169-178 (2019) DOI: 10.1038/s41556-018-0247-4 [PDF]
8. M. Del Giudice, S. Bo, S. Grigolon*, C. Bosia*
On the role of extrinsic noise in microRNA-mediated bimodal gene expression
Plos Comp. Biol., 14 (4), e1006063 (2018) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006063 [PDF]
* co-last authors
7. M. Del Giudice, C. Bosia, S. Grigolon, S. Bo
Stochastic sequestration dynamics: a minimal model with extrinsic noise for bimodal distributions
and competitors correlation
Sci. Rep., 8, 10387 (2018) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-28647-9 [PDF]
6. S. Grigolon, B. Bravi, O. C. Martin,
Responses to auxin signals: an operating principle for dynamical sensitivity yet high resilience,
R. Soc. Open Science, 5 (1), 172098172098 (2018) DOI: 10.1098/rsos.172098 [PDF]
5. M. Smutny, Z. Àkos, S. Grigolon, S. Shamipour, V. Ruprecht, D. ÄŒapek, M. Behrndt, E. Papusheva,
M. Tada, B. Hof, T. Vicsek, G. Salbreux, C.-P. Heisenberg
Friction forces position the neural anlage
Nat. Cell Biol., 19, 306–317 (2017) (2017) DOI: 10.1038/ncb3492 [PDF]
4. H. Morita, S. Grigolon, M. Bock, S. F. G. Krens, G. Salbreux, C.-P. Heisenberg
The physical basis of coordinated tissue spreading in zebrafish gastrulation
Dev. Cell., 40 (4), 354-366. e4 (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2017.01.010 [PDF]
3. S. Grigolon, F. Di Patti, A. De Martino, E. Marinari
Noise processing by microrna-mediated circuits: the incoherent feed-forward loop, revisited,
Heliyon, 2 (4), e00095 (2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2016.e00095 [PDF]
2. S. Grigolon, S. Franz, M. Marsili
Identifying relevant positions in proteins by Critical Variable Selection
Mol. BioSyst., 12 (7), 2147-2158, (2016) DOI: 10.1039/C6MB00047A [PDF]
1. S. Grigolon, P. Sollich, O. C. Martin
Modelling the emergence of polarity patterns for the intercellular transport of auxin in plants
J. R. Soc. Interface, 12, 106 (2015) DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2014.1223 [PDF]